Protecting your Energy

Something I often see after doing energy work and cord cutting with clients, is that they’re on a natural high for days, even weeks, after. But some would start to slowly come down and I really wanted to figure out why this process was occurring. I started to discover that people felt amazing after their energy centers were all opened and unblocked, feeling like a huge weight was lifted after cord cutting. Then were going out the world, energy flowing, and surrounding themselves in the same energy that brought them to me in the first place.

Unprotected energy is one of the very things that drains us the most. It’s the thing that causes energy centers to be closed down in the first place. Of course, we can’t always help it if one of our co-workers is a jerk and we have to be near them. But there are things we can do to not take on that kind of energy. Although, more often than not, unprotected energy is simply from not being discerning enough abut who you spend time with or give your energy to.

I recently started using the phrase, “Reciprocal Energy Only,” to make people (myself included) actually stop and think about whether their energy output was actually being reciprocated. Now remember, energy takes all forms, so if we go get our hair done and pay our hair dresser, that is reciprocal energy. There is a respected flow. Sometimes you may trade services, but either way… no one gets something for nothing. Of course, when we are talking about friends and loved ones, we probably aren’t paying them. Lol. But, that flow is still there. You listen to each other, do nice things for each other, help each other with business ideas. There is a flow. And if there’s not, that’s not reciprocal energy and you may need to reassess.

It’s okay to take a look at your circle and see where it feels unbalanced. It’s okay to have conversations to bring it to people’s awareness to see if it can be rectified. If not, it will be up to you to put up boundaries or take a step back to preserve your energy. And i’m not saying not to do nice things for people because it always needs to be even. I’m saying there needs to be a flow and if you’re the only one putting work in or doing nice things for people, there is no flow and you may start to get resentful and close down shop again. I’m not telling you not to do random acts of kindness that fill your soul. I’m talking about the circle that is in your energy all the time.

We also need to be aware of our surroundings. What and who makes us feel good as opposed to what and who makes us feel drained or anxious. Enclosed malls have made me a little anxious since I was young because I’m so empathic and there’s a lot of energy in once space. I’m aware of that so I protect my energy going in. You can create an energetic bubble of white light around yourself anytime you are going around a person or to a place that you know makes you feel less than amazing. That way we are less likely to get closed and blocked again. Also important, is not taking on other people’s shit. You can be a concerned friend or partner, a great listener, but if it’s not your problem, let it go after the discussion and don’t take it on.

If a negative event does occur or even after listening to a friend vent, taking a shower right after is an amazing way to cleanse the energy. Imagine any energy that you’ve picked up, rinsing off you under the water and flow down the drain. This or a salt bath can be done anytime. Music is also extremely healing to our energy. You can listen to Theta waves and binaural beats at bedtime or during meditation to relax and shake off any energy.

Finally, crystals have been amazing protection for me for the last 11 years. Smokey Quartz, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, any of your favorite protection stones that are known for transmuting negative energy. I work with them during my energy healing sessions and wear them when I go out everyday. I’m currently hand picking, cleaning, and charging some amazing protection stones available for order and will be infused with intention.

But above all else, don’t knowingly go back into the energy that brought you to me in the first place. That’s like going to the doctor for medication, only taking it for two days, and wondering why it’s not working. Know and love yourself enough to put up boundaries and protect your energy. Xo.

Annie Parker