Energetic Cords

Energetic cords are the attachments that we have to other people, emotions, illusions, and our mindsets. These cords are much like the umbilical cord… It nourishes us during creation, but after birth, there is no real necessity for this cord. When the umbilical cord is cut, it doesn’t destroy the bond to our Mother. It doesn’t end the love or need for nourishment from her. If anything it can often strengthen the bond while also allowing more growth to take place. Cords most often stunt our growth after a certain point or keep us stagnant in whatever area they are in. These cords can effect our growth in love, career, abundance, family, or even just with the self.

When our cords are with other people, we most often think of toxic relationships that need to be cut. And yes, those are extremely important cords to let go of. But, we often neglect cords with our loved ones and family members that can also be weighing us down, at no fault to anyone, cords just develop with the people you are closest to sometimes. It is also beneficial at times to cut those cords as well, and it can, perhaps strengthen that bond because it releases any co-dependancy that may be there. Having multiple cords to multiple people, not only can weigh you down, but it does make you more vulnerable to the other person’s energy. They are most commonly connected to the sacral (lower abdominal) area. And while I would never tell people how to live their life or share their energy, I do caution about protecting your energy, especially highly sexual people, because that is one of the easiest ways for people to cord to you. Even someone that you didn’t think much of at the time, could have developed a cord with you that you aren’t even aware of if you aren’t in the practice of protecting your energy.

When I speak of illusions that we can cord ourselves to, I’m sure everyone’s had a crush or someone that they saw a whole life with. You created a scenario in your head, it made its way into your heart, and now it’s taking up space there. So when that scenario doesn't play out the way you hoped, you stay dwelling on it, never opening that space for a new opportunity to come in and manifest. That is not serving anyone, especially not you. It’s always a freeing feeling to cut the cord of illusion.

Mindset is a beautiful thing too. And probably the one I’ve personally had to cut the most. If you grew up poor, cutting ties to a poverty mindset and replacing it with an abundance mindset can be a bitch. But, it absolutely can be done. I’ve done it, and I stay doing it. Being a Nutritionist also, people have the same issues with mindsets around weight and food that I often have to work with before any “diet” will work for them. People have mindsets around love and partnership that often need to be worked on before stability can be achieved. It’s all intertwined.

For more information about energetic cords or cord cutting sessions, feel free to contact me directly. ❤️

Annie Parker